23–26 Sept 2024
Leipzig, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
Welcome to the 2024 T2M Conference – we hope you find the sessions inspiring and the connections invaluable.

No change in mobility transition without including the gender perspective

25 Sept 2024, 15:05
716 (Lancaster University Leipzig)


Lancaster University Leipzig


Brigitte Wotha (FH Kiel)


There is already a substantial scientific literature and practical implementation in the area of a climate friendly mobility transition. However, there is limited research detailing how important it is for such a mobility turnaround to recognise the links between transformation and gender issues. In particular, this also involves gender differences and their intersection with other structural inequalities regarding age, income, physical ability, sexuality, spatial realities, and care work. In addition, there are still gaps in research, particularly on the intersection of climate adaptation processes with possible associated forms of justice or injustice This paper wants to present initial findings from an evaluation of climate action plans on the question of how gender-equitable climate-friendly mobility measures are; which obstacles need to be overcome on the way to a gender-equitable and climate-friendly mobility transition; how the drivers are advancing the climate-friendly mobility transition and which measures are really suitable to achieve a gender transformative mobility transition.
After a brief discussion of a gender-sensitive concept of transformation, approaches to the mobility transition are categorised in the gender equity continuum. In the next step, further examples of mobility transition measures are scrutinised from a gender dimension, e.g. the symbolic dimension, the crisis of care economy, inequalities of growth economy or institutionalized androcentrism.
Finally, prerequisites are enumerated that are essential for the consideration of a climate and gender-just mobility transition.


Brigitte Wotha had worked in universities and as a planner for local authorities. Among other things, she advised the City of Vienna on the creation of a gender handbook. Her dissertation dealt with the subject of 'Gender Planning and Administrative Actions'. She currently owns a professorship for spatial planning and sustainable mobility at the University of Applied Science Kiel. She has recently been appointed to a member of the independent Commission of Experts for the Fourth Equality Report of the Federal Government with the topic "Equality in the ecological transformation.

Primary author


Barbara Warner (Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association) Jeff Turner (Institute for Transport Studies University of Leeds)

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