23–26 Sept 2024
Leipzig, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
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A longitudinal perspective on Moscow public transport system development and factors of change, 1985-2016

24 Sept 2024, 15:00
726 (Lancaster University Leipzig)


Lancaster University Leipzig


Aleksandr Zelentsov


Moscow Public Transit Network: an overall description of system's evolution in 1985-2016:
• Peak development of the route network in the 1980s: the maximum number of routes in operation and vehicles assigned to these routes
• Analysis of changes in the Moscow urban transit network in the 1990s. The impact of the socio-economic crisis in the USSR/Russia on the route network
• Car-oriented development at the verge of 1990-2000 as the main factor of changes in the city's transit network, including removal of tram lines
• Сhanges in the route network in the 2000s to improve cost efficiency
• Change of public transit model in the early 2010s: from competition between the operators to the consolidated route network managed by the city government
• A summary of the further key factors influencing the route network after 2016


Aleksandr Zelentsov is a Transport Planner Manager and Researcher of the history of urban transport.
He was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1985. Education: Moscow State University of Transport, Engineer.
Since 2004, he has worked in the Moscow Department of Transportation. He has held positions from route timekeeper to head of the Moscow route network planning department. In 2023, he prepared a plan for the redesign of the Almaty route network. During these years, he has been collecting data about the evolution of the Moscow ground transit network from various sources.

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