23–26 Sept 2024
Leipzig, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
Welcome to the 2024 T2M Conference – we hope you find the sessions inspiring and the connections invaluable.


The Latest Mobility: Two centuries of Italian policies and tendencies regarding regional transportation and mobility

PS 18
25 Sept 2024, 14:30
Leipzig, Germany

Leipzig, Germany

Strohsackpassage, Nikolaistraße 10 04109 Leipzig, Germany


The Latest Mobility: Two centuries of Italian policies and tendencies regarding regional transportation and mobility

  • Massimo Moraglio (T.U. Berlin)


Transformations in mobility have occurred in the modern era through forms of coordination or competition between various means of transport. One need only think of animal traction or inland navigation, the main means of travel in the 18th century, which were replaced during the 19th century by the railway. The development of the automobile, especially in the post-World War II period, saw the railway assume an increasingly marginal role in transport compared to it. The aim of this panel is to analyse the forms of coordination and competition between various means of transport, from a regional perspective and with a diachronic outlook, that developed in various parts of the Italian peninsula from the 19th century to the present day.
Italy, also due to its particular socio-economic and morphological situation, has always been characterised by a multiplicity of means of transport and regional differences, which have always experimented with situations of coordination and/or competition between them. There have been times and places where it has been possible to implement greater coordination between these means, while in most cases the new means replaced, more or less promptly, the previous one, completely supplanting it. The result of this trajectory, often contradictory, has led mobility today to be almost entirely focused on private means, with serious environmental damage.
This panel intends to bring together regional contributions, chronologically included in the indicated period, from the numerous disciplines related to the history of transport such as, but not limited to, the history of transport, economic history, geographic sciences, tourism history and environmental history.
The panel will be divided into 3 fifteen-minute presentations, with questions grouped at the end of the third presentation. In conclusion the chair speaker will wrap up the panel with some closing remarks.

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